Japan Lifetime 2020 Vision blog

I summit mountains, I send it and shred black diamonds. For two Georgians, Japan on the IKON Pass is the perfect adventure of a lifetime. It’s a way of communicating freedom that’s left open to the imagination and not speaking the language I will be hearing. Now the trend is to camp in the alps to do some classic descents, but Japan is different. Snowboarding is a sport that I’ve been evolving in since I moved to Colorado at 28. Much like surfing, I will ask the questions about my own life when snowboarding. The extreme has gone beyond what I ever imagined possible with my friend Sean Morris to evolve my skill set by exploring the best mountains in the world.

As a Traveler, Videographer, and Snowboarder — I will be getting out of my comfort zone in Japan. Snowboarding for me started and always has been about spending time in the mountains with my buddies. The powder, the people, the food, the culture of Japan for travel on the IKON pass is unsurmountable for a 2020 snowboarder.

“Forget Peru!,” Sean exclaimed a week after our trip to Jackon Hole, Wyoming together when he first bought his newfound love for the IKON pass. As soon as he bought his pass for 2020, Japan has all he talked about. Ironically enough, Sean has stepped in Sensei Kepner’s downtown Denver dojo many times to shred the pow and experience the best music venue on the planet. Some say Japan is the greatest place to shred on the planet because there is always snow and the culture is so beautiful.

As I was accepted into the Cat Howell Accelerator Agency Growth Academy of 2019 and completed a transformational life school course with Thrive Union, I told Sean on September 2019 that I had a newfound millionaire mindset I would turn Global Social Media Marketing into a successful company to make this dream a reality to travel with him to Japan to shred Niseko. I worked 30 days straight every day all day in October exceeding over 400 hours of work in my company with a huge focus on youtube. This was an expedition I needed to prepare months in advance for by practicing dharma with my business only. My personal evolution was rooted in Denver, Colorado and Global Socal Media Marketing until I would travel home for Thanksgiving and The Future of Insights Summit at the University of Georgia, Masters of Marketing Research Program as a sponsor for my company. Even though Sean was being ignored, he knew I was manifesting our ultimate Japan destiny and we would see each other during the time of year when the greatest thing to be grateful for is the memories we share with the people we love in our lives.

Meanwhile, Sean had is head in the clouds as an architect with the YouTube videos he found on free-riding, japan snowboarding, and the cinematography storyline of these epic adventures. This would inspire me to stay focused on the growth of my company to achieve this ultimate snowboard 2020 vision and also create my own story on YouTube to share for us. Neither of us knew what the future would hold in 2020, but the passion for snowboarding was evident in our love for the sport. It’s about those good moments that you get addicted to and you don’t want to stop experiencing them. Each summit is just setting the next one.

As technologists well respected by our colleagues in our given professions, we are both always looking at what’s the new thing and dynamically learning to be futurists. Tokyo is the epitome of that. Our work ethic is uncanny and we were both taught to work hard for you want in your life, but snowboarding is a passion. Work has no place in this euphoria. This is getting busy living.

An so the journey began in 2020 when he arrived at the Dojo of Sakura Square in Denver as the gateway to Tokyo…

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