History: Is it really used only for hypertext (an image…)?
Others (head)
Status codes
100 continue
200 Success
300 redirect
400 errors
500 server errors
Keep Alive
MIME type
Accepted encoding (compression)
HTTP version (1.0 limitation – compression and Keep alive)
- Signing (Identification)
- Encryption
RSA (Rivest, Shamir & Adleman)
Using two (big) Prime numbers, Power and Modulus to create hard to reverse encryption function.
Multiplying two numbers are easy, but factoring a number is very hard.
Public / Private keys
Encrypt – using public key
Sign – using the private key
SSL – Secure Socket Layer
Using RSA to create a secured channel for transfer symmetric cipher (Handshake)
Which then used to secure the rest of the traffic.
HTTP Protocol over SSL connection
Certificate Authority
Comes to install on the OS
Can add more
They only validate you are who you claim before granting a certificate
Certificate validation
Authority Chain
Host name (Wildcard vs. Subject Alternative Name vs. single)
Man in the middle – Fiddler sample
Handshake failure
Web Server / App Server
Web Server – HTTP and HTTPS of static files
IIS Demo
Application Server
Oracle WebLogic
Apache Tomcat
IBM WebSphere
Java vs. .NET vs. PHP vs. etc.
Open Source vs. Proprietary
. Net on Linux (Mono)
. NET become open source (will run on Linux and Mac)
Mandatory: Mapping, Booking, Searches ( 1 type)
Post-Sale: As much commercial info as possible
Pre-development: technical info
Caching-storing data that is more accessible
Sorting is important based on promotions (price, location, etc.)
Destination web service is the most effective way of doing mapping
Exact Destination – Specific (Compared to surrounding)
Compression – make the file smaller
Supplement – resort, tax, cleaning
Caching – 30 minutes
Gethoteldetails -> Pulls static data
Understand the difference in classes: Class A, Class B, Class C
There is a service to hide IP’s called hidemyip; which is a VPN
You can change administration on your machines
DNS-Domain Naming System-Will tell you the IP address of a domain
Server replies to NS system names
Option to buy host names and IP addresses
Organization is divided names by country and
- .com, .ac, .edu, .org, .net, .gov, .gov.il,
http://whois.domaintools.com/- to look up domain names
Just search DNS server for websites that you cannot reach
Click on Internet Access->Open Network and Sharing Center->Local Area Connection->Details->Properties
Security-Firewall (Problems in China)
Ping allows you to see speed you expect from a website and allows you to see the IP address
Tracert-using pings
Windows Powershell: measure-command {nslookup www.google.com}
Ipconfig /flushdns
Broadcasting vs. Direct Communication
Gateway-server (software, hardware); if you want to send something out
DNS has the capability to point to another Domain
What is a CDN?
Data Cacheing
Proxy=Fiddler, Akamaki; can cache external sites/do not need to external sites to get
Lookback-speak with yourself
Protocol-the method of communication
A dedicated line
Clearing cache in settings, incognito mode,
CPCU works with 32/64 bits
Microsoft message analyzer-instead of a proxy, sits on your network card and listens to every package of information that is going on
Compression-ZIP, RAM, gzip (protocol for compression), deflate
Check what we know about the client: Are they data cacheing, what’s the speed
Fiddler is for http;
Why ping is block or why it is sending some, voice over ip=not fiddler
Telnet is a good tool for you to see if something is open
Control Panel->All Control Panel Items->Programs and Features
Ping doesn’t have to go far so that is why it is so fast
Sometimes the server is too small to compress
Compression takes a lot of power from CPU
Task Manager
Motherboard-has a socket that can hold CPU
Compression requirements (Can use Wireshark)
- http 1.1
- Accept encoding header
- Via proxy header (Default)
Server side:
- Mine type declared for Compression enabled (dynamic/static)
- Folder exists (static)
- File size
- CPU load
Can you look for requests from Client and see if it is compressed.
Second option is to have the client install Wireshark
Web Server-Application that listens on port 80 until send someone sends an http request; Microsoft gives you ISS; Give you static information only
Remote Desktop=Telnet;
Internet Information Services
You can use different ports for different sites with the same IP
Application Server
ASP, THEN ASP.NET, allow you to create pages on the fly
HTTPS-Encrypt data by using the client and server and both have the right cyphers;
Key transfer was the main problem with encryption
1) We will only encrypt a key
2) We will change keys
View certificate to see key
Trusted Root Certification Authorities
GUI-Graphical User Interface
-Disadvantage: Extra data/unneeded\
-It’s slower
-No commitment from the company
Contain lots of additional not needed data; therefore slow
Changed frequently (wo a notice, wo\
Scraping-taking some automation to get information from a website
Scraping fees the revenue management tool
Webscraping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y00t5NpW7pY#t=221
Adjacent format-used in mobile applications; the data can be parsed easily
Cons: Jason is hard to read
XML-markup language; based on tags to share data
Ted Talk about a guy breaking into codes with a graphical interface to detect binary code
Go to W3 schools and get XML Certification
File->New->XML File->
Schemes are used to declare an XML
I have recently started a web site, the info you offer on this web site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.