Dear GSMM Team,
GSMM has now been accepted into the largest Facebook Media Buying group in the world with other social media agencies and is in the last Cat Howell Academy Accelerator until this time next year, which is HUGE GROWTH OPPORTUNITY for us as a company to learn from Eight loop social founder Cat Howell in Auckland, New Zealand how her templates and marketing funnels will give us explosive sales growth from her training experience with 700 other agencies, including the exclusive facebook groups we are in! Thanks to the team on the work the last month with your creative client work with new faces and Farren for his support to get us into the game-changer opportunity! I will continue to send more information weekly through this email thread on The Academy but know that all of you will have at least access to the Academy for an hour or two a week under Farren will send over those login credentials and if you want to use the Academy we will have to see if you will have to schedule your times in advance. For the first week, only I will be involved with the Academy. Here is our welcome message from Cat herself in the Facebook group you don’t have access to during the Academy as your kick-off inspiration for us one of the Academy students for this last course.
You are the final intake for the program and I’m honored that you have trusted us to be a part of your journey!
Investing in the Academy is no small joke, for many of you this is a do or die situation to get your business cranking and set up the way you always dreamed of.
Luckily, you have invested wisely and now have access to the world’s leading agency growth team and all the resources to help you smash those goals.
Over the past three years of working with agency owners inside this program here is what I have come to observe will make the most impact:
โ Tap into the support and resources – DON’T BE SHY! That’s what we’re here for, consider us your plugin team. Don’t feel as if you’re bothersome or asking stupid questions – no such thing. Ask. We won’t know you’re struggling unless you tell us.
โ MINDSET!!! If you’re in here it’s because you trust me to take you to where you want to go. I am committed to your success (as are the rest of the team) but as part of this, I ask for your own commitment in return. YOU MUST PUT IN THE WORK DAILY!!!! I’m not kidding here, allow your fears, anxieties, and frustrations (which are 100% going to come your way through this process for the pure simple fact that you are trying to climb a mountain you’ve never climbed before) and it will make our jobs a million times more difficult. Even if you don’t believe in mindset, ask yourself – what’s the worse that can happen in making this commitment?
โ Owning your avatar. We provide you with templates and ad examples. I can’t tell you how many funnel review calls I get on where the copy is almost verbatim on the ads with almost zero to little adaptation for the actual avatar wanted. Spend some time on this section – this will make or break your funnel, prospecting, and sales.
If you haven’t already been acquainted with the team – here are the guns that will be taking you through this journey:
Karen Sahetya – for anything funnel and agency related
Stan Way for anything sales and prospecting related
Anna Shilina for bitch-slapping your fears straight out of you(ie: anything mindset related)!
Michal Koziol – for anything funnel and agency related
Vera Adams – for anything training portal, replays or support
And of course myself.
On the back of the Academy, we offer ongoing access to all the support you have in from the Facebook group only Benjamin has access to now (If any of the team ever wanted access to this the cost is $1,000) plus more inside the Mastermind. I want there to be a fire under you over the next three months, but also take things at the pace that your personal circumstances dictate – don’t freak out,the mastermind isn’t going anywhere and again – you guys will be the last to be able to enter the exclusive community to continue to tap into the help you need.
Enjoy your time in here, connect with your peers, attend the global meetups if they are near you, and use this group as much as you can.
Remember – success begets success, while we are all technically competitors in here by supporting one another we inadvertently lift ourselves up.