Facebook Video Mertics

Analyze video metrics to track the success of your Facebook videos, and create next videos accordingly to drive fruitful results. To find video metrics, log in to your Facebook page, navigate to the Insights tab, and select videos. 

Facebook Video Metrics:

  • Minutes Viewed: The total number of minutes your video was watched, including replays and views of less than three seconds.
  • Unique Viewers: The number of distinct people who viewed your video at least once. You’ll see a breakdown of people who viewed your video organically and through paid media (like a boosted post).
  • Video Views: The number of times your video was watched for an aggregate of at least three seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. You’ll also see a breakdown of the percentage of people who viewed your video with sound on versus sound off.
  • 10-Second Video Views: The number of times your video was watched for at least 10 seconds, or for nearly its total length, whichever happened first. Similar to video views, you’ll see a breakdown of the percentage of people who viewed your video with sound on versus sound off.
  • Video Average Watch Time: Total watch time of your video / Total number of video plays (including replays).
  • People Reached: Both organic and paid.
  • Post Engagement: This shows total clicks to play, reactions, comments, and shares.
  • Video Engagement: This shows you how to aggregate audiences engaged at specific points during a Live broadcast. This means you can see specific points throughout your broadcast of when people were moved to react to, comment on, or share the video. Also, you can select a moment of interest on the engagement graph and watch the corresponding video clip. This can give insight into what type of content resonated most with your viewers.
  • Top Audience: Minutes viewed by age and gender.
  • Top Location: Minutes viewed by top geographic locations.

Facebook Video Metrics Available When You Has Had 100 Viewers

  • Your video’s organic reach and engagement.
  • Total ad spends and cost per impressions (CPM) if you choose to promote your video via Facebook video ads. Third parties who are tagged in your post can see a high-level overview.
  • Your video sponsors can also share your video organically or boost the post to help you increase your reach.
  • Peak Live Viewers: This shows the highest number of concurrent viewers who viewed your live broadcast for at least three seconds. The curve you see in the graph shows the number of concurrent viewers watching different points of your live broadcast for at least three seconds.

Bonus Tips to Get the Most Out of Facebook Videos

Facebook Video Metrics

Manage the Conversion With Pinned Comments

Pin comment to the bottom of your video, making it even easier to manage engagement while interacting with your community. This is helpful if you want to:

  • Shape the conversation by showing the audience what you want to talk about.
  • Promote quality commenting by giving the audience a prompt to react to.
  • Enable you to share information you want your audience to see, understand, or engage with.
  • Make it easy to remember the question you’re answering during a Q&A.

Want to know how to boost engagement on Facebook? Perfect! Have a look at the detailed Youtube Video

The Maximum Length of a Broadcast

The maximum length is four hours, make sure your live videos last at least 10 minutes, if possible. To use scheduled Live, you must use the Live API and must schedule the broadcast via the page’s publisher tools. Give news organizations a way to share stories, places, and experiences with their audiences, to bring a scene to life on Facebook.

Facebook 360

Use Facebook 360 and show the most compelling stories by bringing the viewer inside the story. It can be distributed on the Facebook News Feed and viewed on most smartphones and desktops, to reach larger audiences.

Live API

It is free to use solution to create higher-quality live videos on Facebook. Access the Live API from your Facebook profile or page via a control panel or page publishing tools. It takes three skill sets (creatives, video producers, and developers) to get a Live API feed up and running. Consider consulting a Media Solutions Partner as they are Facebook-certified experts in Facebook APIs and video requirements.

Video Encoders

Encoders compress and convert high-quality video files into feeds that can be sent across the internet. You can’t go live via the API without one. You can use OBS software encoders. But hardware encoders are typically more reliable, simpler to configure, and easier to troubleshoot. 

Look for one that accepts a wired Ethernet cable: this is more dependable than streaming over Wi-Fi. Beyond a basic live stream, you might gain microphones, audio mixers, video switchers, computers.

For details, ongoing Live via the API, refer to the official Live API documentation

If you need more help with Facebook marketing then feel free to contact us!

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