Academy Post #3

GSMM Team – Post in the facebook academy group this week below. Please send me finalized business cards, pitch deck, and sales sheet by end of the business week this week.

Hey Academites,

Week three has been all about dharma and me getting enough sleep to reduce my burnouts every weekend.

I’ve started to build a daily routine with the Academy in my life to cut things out that are not a priority for my dreams and newfound transformational mindset change. I’m so committed to the Academy now that I had to give my entire team enough projects for two weeks and cancel all weely calls with them as well as completely ignoring any of my friends and any networking event opportunities phone calls or texts. I tried to explain to my friends and family what the Academy is, but they don’t understand. That’s ok. Successful people are misunderstood more than others and I could care less what people think when I can see the light now of how to find balance eventually in life of accomplishing my dreams. These new changes come with hoping that the 1-1 training time I’ve spent with my current team is enough to begin to teach them how to manage clients on their own so I can focus on explosive growth in Q4. I hope my team knows how important the Academy education opportunity is to me and how much I care about their success with GSMM on a personal level as their leader.  Here are my updates this week and would love to see any comments on this post if you find something of value that I shared:

  1. General Pitch Deck almost done…Finalized this week by GSMM team with new business cards
  2. I had out Business Development Manager reach out to past clients for video testimonials, but it’s not easy. I’ll be looking to give here some other ideas this week as I want to be able to complete this project successfully in October.
  3. No comments/engaging in Academy Facebook group posts this week. I’ll be more involved this week.
  4. I fired my first Facebook ads messages rapid-fire tests using a lookalike audience, customer file custom audience, and detailed targeting audience to the insurance niche with my hook as my facebook lead ads case study. I’ve spent $42.26 so far to reach 1,502 people that have generated 2 message responses. I responded to them ASAP in Facebook messenger and gave them my email and phone number to reach out. I did start the campaign on Thursday night so I’m hoping to end it on Tuesday once I’ve given some people enough time to not be riding the weekend warrior train. Right lead quality I’m not sure about.
  5. I didn’t get to my soft launch goal of an automated funnel this past Thursday including skipping the hiring section portal with my onboarding call direction, but that’s because I re-did my margins niching only for Facebook lead ads as my service and sent that to our graphic designer on Fiverr to have next week with updated pricing. I like to think taking an extra week will improve my conversion rate and I still had some small wins for Jade this week 🙂
  6. I had our biggest client tell me that I had until Halloween to get results for increasing YouTube subscribers as he felt that my service was a complete waste of his money for their YouTube channel or that he would look start looking for another YouTube Expert. I have to make that my #1 priority this month to just keep the lights on. I created a training video on “How To Add YouTube Titles” as my video for this post in response to my back up against the wall to solve the YouTube Matrix.
  7. I have completed 31 lessons so far in the portal, 8 units in the Facebook group, and read about 52 posts in The Academy Facebook group.
  8. I worked on the landing pages, portfolio work, and site speed of my website for 5 hours this week.
  9. We have had some good facebook page number increases across the board with the waterfall boosted post strategy in tandem with daily content and fan base growth. I made a Facebook Business Page Social Media Management Services training video as well for my team so they can hopefully manage the page better as I ask for space next week.
  10. We are set for our first funnel launch this Thursday after we get our next wave of payments and I’m putting it all on my personal bank account with the hopes that I am not a fool to school for this school!
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