Inbound marketing trends

Inbound marketing is a good way of helping to create useful content that aids you in connecting with your target audience. In this article, you’ll understand what this type of marketing is, what separates it from other marketing methodologies, and the benefits of inbound marketing in 2022.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a strategy that you can implement in your approach to create valuable content. This content directly aligns with the target audience and inspires customer relationships that long-term in their longevity. There are lots of businesses using inbound marketing, with it doubling the average site conversion rate from 6% to 12% in total.

What Differentiates Inbound Marketing?

With inbound marketing, it’s all about creating content that customers want and not just what the majority are after. Outbound marketers have a lot more traditional approaches to their advertising whether that’s radio ads, cold calling, direct mail, and trade shows, for example. Outbound marketing is also known as interruption marketing, whereas inbound is more organic in its delivery to the target audience. It’s not so invasive or in your face.

Statistics on Inbound Marketing

The future of inbound marketing is unlikely to go anywhere in comparison to other marketing methods.

  • Around 82% of companies are actively engaging in content marketing, meaning content is still just as important as it’s been previously.
  • Building brand awareness is essential for a lot of businesses, with 49% of businesses implementing inbound marketing strategies.
  • When it comes to inbound marketing’s latest trends, search engines have become a leading source of referral traffic. This has overtaken social media, meaning focusing on content that will rank on Google’s search engine is important.
  • Inbound marketing is cheaper than outbound with the cost for lead acquisition for inbound is around 67% less than that of outbound.
  • 95% of B2B consumers say a business’s content can help in providing more trust to the brand.

So how do things look for inbound marketing in 2022? Here are seven marketing trends to make use of this year.

1. Focus on short-form video content

Short-form video content is very popular nowadays, especially with many social media platforms adapting and showcasing this quick and snappy type of content. It’s worthwhile incorporating that on your social media feeds and within any of your online content in general.

YouTube Shorts as inbound marketing

2. The years of the micro-influencer

The micro-influencers are having their moment right now when it comes to marketing. What once used to be all about the number of followers you had, has more recently become more about engagement and reach. It’s been found that micro-influencers have somewhat more of a benefit and impact on your marketing efforts.

3. Interactive content

Interactive content provides a better experience for the user, especially if this is the first time they’re engaging with your content. Interactive content, it’s being accompanied by technologies like VR and AR, in order to provide an experience that has never been had before. Start making your content more immersive and interactive for your users, both new and old.

4. Chatbots

To improve the lead-to-revenue process, being present is important. As a business, you’ll have your standard operating hours and then outside those hours, there might only be an email address available. Chatbots, although not human, can be great for answering questions and providing the answers your users need when your customer agents aren’t available.


5. Authenticity in user experience

Authenticity is more important than ever, with a lot of customers seeing through brands that aren’t transparent or don’t show their real side. It’s always a good idea to provide more authenticity in your user’s experience so that they remember your business the next time they want to make a purchase.

Voice search has become a valuable method of searching for products and services online. With Alexa and Siri, we’ve become very used to helping source something using a voice-activated device.If you can, take advantage of offering voice search features via your platforms.

Google’s featured snippet is a fantastic way for users to have a refined experience of their search results. This section which appears at the top of the search results, helps users to find exactly what they’re looking for from the most reliable sources. So it pays to optimize your content for this featured snippets section on Google.

If you’ve been looking to up your marketing game this year, then focusing on inbound marketing trends is essential. Make use of these inbound marketing trends for your customers in 2022.


Ghia Marnewick

Ghia Marnewick is a creative content writer for Aumcore, a digital marketing agency in New York that specializes in SEO and creative content marketing services. She is passionate about finding new ways of sharing information with the world.

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